It’s pretty clear these days that {thing}-as-a-service is a powerful concept. That said, it involves a certain level of trust in whoever is providing the service. Part of that is the trust that they’ll keep providing you the service, but on the tin-foil-hat side, you trust that they won’t use the information you give them to your detriment. This is especially true for storage/hosting service providers, where you’re quite literally handing your data to a 3rd party.

I love Dropbox, but I’m not sure I’m ready to trust them with my secret plans for world domination. As such, I’ve decided that I’d like to add a layer of encryption on top of my Dropbox storage, as well as other similar providers. I looked around, and decided to work with Dropbox, Copy (Update: the Copy service has shut down), and Google Drive. As a disclaimer, the Dropbox link includes my referral code so I get extra space if you use it.

The first step was to set up these services to sync to a standardized location. I picked these 3 partially because all of them support auser-configurable sync location. For simplicity, I created ~/.cloud and set each provider to sync to ~/.cloud/{provider_name}, so I ended up with the following structure:

├── Copy
├── Dropbox
└── Google

There was some content that I didn’t plan on encrypting, so I set up symlinks linking those locations to where I wanted them in the filesystem:

# For convenient access and stuff that sync via Dropbox
ln -s ~/.cloud/Dropbox ~/Dropbox
# I'm not terribly concerned about encrypting my collection of ebooks
ln -s ~/.cloud/Google/Books ~/Books

I then looked at a couple encryption methods, and settled on EncFS. It has the benefit of operating at the file level and thus playing nice with the continuous syncing done by these providers, as well as working with FUSE to allow easy mounting on OSX or Linux. I’m only using the encrypted stores on my Macs right now, but the ability to easily expand is nice.

EncFS is packaged in Homebrew, but the package depends on the OSXFUSE packaged in Homebrew, which requires full XCode to install. I already had OSXFUSE installed via their package, and I wasn’t particularly keen on installing XCode just to install OSXFUSE a second time. Thankfully, Homebrew makes it pretty easy to modify install “formulas”, so I adjusted the EncFS formula to skip the OSXFUSE dependency and use the pre-existing libs. I threw that in a gist, and installing it was just a matter of pointing brew at it:

There was also an issue with the boost libraries being in the wrong spot, since I’m a rebel and don’t put brew in /usr/local. I fixed that with the following one-liner:

for x in /usr/local/brew/lib/libboost_*.dylib; do
  sudo ln -s $x /usr/local/lib

I then picked out the mount points I wanted and made the EncFS filesystems to put there. Setting up EncFS is pretty simple; you run the encfs command with a source and destination, and if they aren’t set up, it walks you through setting them up. If they are, it prompts you for the key and mounts that filesystem. I ended up creating 3 mount points:

encfs ~/.cloud/Dropbox/scratch.encfs ~/scratch
encfs ~/.cloud/Dropbox/tmp.encfs ~/tmp
encfs ~/.cloud/Copy/vault.encfs ~/vault

I ended up not setting up any encrypted filesystems on Google Drive after discovering an odd bug: their client blocks files from being “deleted” when they are deleted, so an EncFS mounted from Google Drive fails when trying to delete directories, claiming the aren’t empty. It didn’t look like something easily resolvable, and I had plenty of space from Dropbox and Copy to work with, so I resigned myself to using Google Drive for large but not sensitive files.

Part of the goal was to have these directories be mounted seamlessly, under the “If it’s lots of work, I won’t do it” principle. To do this, I added the credentials and path information to the OSX keychain. In Keychain Access, I added a password item for each encfs filesystem, and set the name to “EncFS”, the account to the source path for the filesystem, and the password to the decryption key. I then edited the newly added item and set the comment to the destination path. I wrote the following script in Ruby that reads that information from the keychain and uses it to mount the filesystems:

(permalink for the below script)

Having run that manually and confirmed it worked by checking df -h, I set out to have the filesystems mounted automatically at boot. The easiest way to do to this on a Mac is via a launchd script, and Lingon provides a sweet interface for controlling launchd jobs. I added a job there pointing to the script, and rebooted to confirm it was happy:
